Madhya Pradesh Voluntary Health Association in collaboration with Voluntary Health Association of India organized the release of report At the Crossroads of Life and Livelihood: The Economics, Poverty and Working Conditions of People Employed in the Tobacco Industry in India and documentary film Giving away so much for so little. The programme was attended by 80 persons from various fields like NGOs, Police, government officials,media persons etc.The programme was organized on 09 July 2010 at Hotel Palash Bhopal at 10 – 12 Pm.
Release of the study and film
The programmes started with the release of the study At the Crossroads of Life and Livelihood: The Economics, Poverty and Working Conditions of People Employed in the Tobacco Industry in India and documentary film Giving away so much for so little .The study and film were released by the chief guest Shri Manoj Shrivastava, Commissioner, Bhopal Division, Dr AN Mittal, Director Health Services, Shri Vineet Kapoor AIG Training Police, Dr PR Deo State Coordinator UNFPA, Dr Ramesh Nagrath, President MPVHA and Mukesh Kumar Sinha, Executive Director, MPVHA.
Objective of the program
To investigate tobacco as a development issue.
To identify issues associated with bidi rolling, tobacco farming, and tendu leaf plucking across different regions of the country, with regard to socio-economic, health and working conditions.
To identify issues related to poverty among those employed in the tobacco industry.
To develop an evidence-based advocacy tool to counter the arguments of the tobacco industry about the benefits of tobacco-related employment and to advocate for measures for alternative livelihoods of the tobacco workers.
To identify the level of satisfaction of tobacco workers ( bidi rollers, tobacco farmers and tendu pluckers) regarding working conditions and remuneration.